The Personality Puzzle Ninth Edition by David C. Funder ebook pdf
- Publisher : W. W. Norton & Company; Ninth edition (July 1, 2024)
- Language : English
- 712 pages
- Format : pdf
- ISBN-10 : 1324060549
- ISBN-13 : 978-1324060543
The Personality Puzzle is heralded as the book that helps students think critically about the science of personality and find joy in the journey through David Funder’s unparalleled writing. New for the Ninth Edition, The Personality Puzzle introduces the latest scientific research and relevant social media applications, with a focus on the exciting work of underrepresented psychologists today. Student learning moves online with a new, assignable, interactive ebook that engages students with active learning opportunities. Students will be able to analyze their own personalities through online Try for Yourself surveys and assess their reading through Check Your Understanding questions that provide retrieval practice in every section. InQuizitive adaptive assessment rounds out the lesson, using research-proven techniques to help students “lock in” what they learn.
About the Author
David C. Funder is Distinguished Professor of Psychology and former chair of the department at the University of California, Riverside. Winner of the 2009 Jack Block Award for Distinguished Research in Personality, he is a former editor of the Journal of Research in Personality, and a past president of the Association for Research in Personality as well as the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. He is best known for his research on personality judgment and has also published research on delay of gratification, attribution theory, the longitudinal course of personality development, and the psychological assessment of situations. He has taught personality psychology to undergraduates at Harvey Mudd College, Harvard University, and the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and continues to teach the course every year at the University of California, Riverside.
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